Tuesday, 28 June 2011


SO..i went to ikea on the weekend. i actually love that place! 
i bought this rigga clothes rail for around £7! 


Friday, 24 June 2011

isabel lucas

this girl is gorgeous!

(i was lucky enough to meet her a few years ago in an airport in london!)

Thursday, 23 June 2011


a few hot pieces:

now hurry and start shopping :) 


Sunday, 19 June 2011

our cheryl sets up shop at ASOS

if you haven't heard about this go straight to ASOS and start bidding! 
CLICK HERE to bid on Cheryl Cole's dresses that she has worn and they could be yours! it works so the lowest unique bidder wins (for example if you bid £5.67 and it is the lowest amount that is unique- no one else has bid this amount.. YOU WIN! did that make sense?? not really haha! bidding closes soon so don't miss out!! 

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Oh yeah it's a sunny day

bye bye leeds.. 
my room is now all packed up, my keys have been handed in and thats it! no more uni for 15 months!

ALSO i am loving the sun today so i thought i would mess around with my camera and heres a few pictures i have taken:

after that i now have hay fever and cant really breath or see. but it was worth it :)


Friday, 3 June 2011

worst blogger ever

yes it is true. i haven't blogged for weeks.
this is going to change